Another great day in Okeechobee! Let me explain. My new found friend and neighbor down the street, Laurie, mentioned that she volunteers 3 days a week at the local mission. I wondered what Mission? What do they do? Can I help? I didn't know there was a Mission.
She went on to explain how the First Baptist Church of Okeechobee has a mission here in town which is open 3 days a week. Monday-Wednesday-Friday, from 9 to noon. Their mission is to provide food and clothing to those in need. Today was my second time volunteering and what a wonderful group of women (and men)! The families are so thankful for what they receive. There was one woman who stopped by looking for blankets as she had no heat at home and wanted something to warm her children. So blankets it was!
The women are a hoot and SO much fun to be around! Laurie and I even "got in trouble" for laughing and talking too much when we were really suppose to be working! We have such a wonderful time and what a great feeling to be able to give back to the community!
Right now, the Mission is looking for food; baby items; men's work clothes and cash donations so they can take the money and go to the Food Bank and fill their shelves with the food they need. If you would like to be a part of your community and give something back....and you really didn't know how to do it before.....this is the place. It's as easy as stopping by and offering a few hours to volunteer or simply dropping off the items I mentioned. Ask for a receipt (it's usually tax deductable)....they'll be happy to provide one.
Okeechobee is such a great place to live! Let's make it a great place for everyone! The Mission House is at 401 South West 4th Street, Okeechobee. (Pass the U-save going from the Lake to Route 70----then turn left at the first street past the U-save-----go about 3 blocks. They're on the left. It's a big "metal" building. It's so easy to find. If I can do it.........anyone can!)
Thanks, Okeechobee, for caring!
Until next time,
Health and happiness,
Okee Kim
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